We create with the help of digitally tailored processes financial and payroll accounting. The relevant data is exchanged almost exclusively digitally and processed promptly. At the beginning of a mandate, the processes are analyzed and efficiently designed by our consultants. The exchange of relevant data between us and our customers takes place digitally...
We prepare for our clients the necessary Annual financial statements (HGB, IFRS and tax law) - either on the basis of the accounting prepared by us or also on the basis of the accounting prepared by the client himself. The legally required tax returns are also prepared by us for our clients in due time.
For our clients we are always looking for the customized and tax efficient solution...
We support our clients in ongoing business management issues such as investment decisions, financing issues and in the preparation of integrated corporate planning (revenue, balance sheet and liquidity planning)...
Let us inspire you and get to know our team and our services better.
We perform the usual professional audits for our clients, such as statutory and voluntary audits. We understand our task in such a way that, in addition to fulfilling the legal requirements, we offer our clients added value through our auditing activities....
We accompany you on your way to restructure your company and to set the right course for future generations. We analyze financial company situations and accompany the purchase or sale of companies...
Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung nach der CSRD: Ihre Verpflichtung ab 2025
Ab dem 1. Januar 2025 sind 15.000 Unternehmen in Deutschland gemäß der Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive der EU (CSRD) verpflichtet, umfassende Nachhaltigkeitsberichte zu erstellen und durch Wirtschaftsprüfer prüfen zu lassen. Die Trewitax GmbH begleitet Sie bei der rechtskonformen Umsetzung dieser Anforderungen.